haha you got me!
but what im wondering is why it has such a good score?
whatever, 8/10 and 3/5. thats reasonable to me.
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haha you got me!
but what im wondering is why it has such a good score?
whatever, 8/10 and 3/5. thats reasonable to me.
Best dark knight parody I've seen...
except for the interrogation spoof over on youtube. I really liked how you blended in lines from tropic thunder too, both great movies. Animation wasnt too good but in this case that just made it better. Batman was my favorite.
"I'm going to need a cup of coffee"
my favorite part.
Disagreeing with the guy before me,
I think this is the perfect length. Short and sweet. I loved Beowulf, and I'm glad that it got spoofed. Very funny, well done, cheers.
most addictive thing ive played in a very long time. everything was spot on, though some of the achievements *coughNukeWatchercough* were ridiculously hard. Anyways, awesome work here. sequel? :D
Greatest thing I've ever played here
I'm seriously in love with this game - music, graphics, gameplay... it's all spot on and makes me feel like I'm totally playing on Gameboy. Keep it up, I would love to see more stuff like this!!!
Level creator is also fun. Try mine!!!
100c110101070014000000000000000000000 3010003020003030003040003050003060003 0700030800030900030a00030b00030c00030 d00030e00030f000304010d02021d02030302 04030e04160005030105030205030305030c0 5030006030106030206030306030c06030007 030107030207030307030c070300080301080 30208030308030c0803000903010903020903 0309030c0903000a03010a03020a03030a030 40a07050a11060a07070a04080a07090a0f0a 0a070b0a120c0a030e0a1e000b03010b03020 b03030b03040b03050b03060b03070b03080b 03090b190a0b030b0b030c0b030d0b030e0b0 30f0b03|The Room|Luke|Oh hi razorblades.|
Excellent experience.
I especially loved the graphics, in this type of game they really help. YEAH!
first review!
now, it's strange because I'm usually into stuff like this. I usually think it's cool sounding, but not this one. it's just a little too weird for me.
love it, very relaxing. Can i dowload?
so good
can I download? I'll credit you and all. man I could listen to this forever.
I use a mouse to draw. =/
Joined on 1/6/07